The Jolly Swagman Within

Maybe you have had it with the city and its swarming peoples. Their ways and their means of getting, lending and spending, all lay waste to your inner world and are just too much for you. The cars are noisy and toxic, young people don’t get out of the way, the train is always over crowded and everyone is just too busy looking out for themselves in our me now generation.

So what do you do? You hit the road and waltz your matilda all around Australia. No suits, no policies, no standards or bully bosses to cramp your liberty life. As you tramp around on your motorcycle, the scent of the eucalyptus trees and cow dung fill the air and a calming rhythm enters your soul... Camping by an old billabong under the shade of a Coolabah tree, you sing as you wait for your Billy to boil, you ask yourself “Who'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?”

While your thoughts are focused on your mug of hot steaming tea, a little jumbuck comes down to have a drink at the billabong, you ask yourself: do I fit this legend? Having eaten nothing noodles for a week, a tasty lamb roast would be just fine by me.

At this instant, the principles of the deed being thought are worth meditating on for a second. For a vegetarian, there would be no such doubts of this action. This jolly jumbuck has as much right to its living joy as you have to yours. So, if you were so thoughtful and buddistic, that jolly jumbuck would stay out of your belly, and you would quietly starve on noodles.

But low on coin and without a golden McDonald's arch in coowee, you think, who would miss one little baa baa? Sheep numbers being what it is, there would sure to be millions more where this one came from, surely dingos eat more.

Anyway, for over one hundred years it's been good enough for the homeless to live off. Ask any Anzac what they fought for, many diggers went into battle with a rifle on their shoulder and Waltzing Matilda in their bellies. The right of swaggies to carry off jolly jumbucks has been written in blood by this nation. In Australia there is still such a thing as a free dinner.

But such joy does not last long. While the tummy comes first and morality trails close behind, private property and the Police soon follow: and their yelling “Whose that jolly jumbuck you've got in your tuckerbag?”

“Bloody Hell, Whose!” they dare ask. Whose jolly jumbuck!

There is no delight in having food taken from your lips by a show of force, for behind your liberty musters a body of armed men. My point is this: Never let any bastard trick you, stand up and stand your dig, voice your concern and don't just lie there and take it. If not for you Mr Swaggie, this business of springing into old billabongs would be dead and drowned swaggies living this legend can be a dime a dozen, so eat your stolen jumbuck with pride!

Mark Donnelly